Thanks for writing this and congrats on the movie! Ten months isn't that long, so don't lose hope. Rooting for you!

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Thank you, Judy! I'll take all the good vibes I can get.

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Hey Amy! Thank you for being so open about your solopreneurship/freelancing life 🧡 When you say that you managed to make half of what you previously made on your job, I understand that on a bad day it may feel like too little, but honestly I think it's a) a lot, considering that it's achieved all on your own, and b) more realistic: we see lots of click baity titles about making 6 figures in 6 months or whatever, but I have a feeling that your experience might be a lot more honest and a lot more realistic :)

Btw I discovered your newsletter from stumbling across your Seeking Center podcast episode, one day after being laid off myself this November 😄 it was really encouraging! I've recommended it in one of my newsletters since I've also just started a Substack about Tarot, creativity, and career 😊 I'm leaving it here in case it's something you might enjoy. Thank you again for the inspiration! https://open.substack.com/pub/angelicasivieri/p/how-to-not-let-layoffs-get-in-the?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=m7s55

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Hi Angelica! Thanks for your note. You're so right. I hate those clickbaity promises of instant wealth. It's just not realistic IMO. I'm sorry to hear about your layoff and I'm glad my episode provided some encouragement. I appreciate the recommendation and will check out your Substack for sure! Sending you positivity. -Ami

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